8th grade bwms art students were challenged by weaving crafts using only recycled goods. Due to the fact there is an abundance of plastic bags in our refills, I heard of these great craft of using plarn, which is basically links of plastic bags woven together to make yarn that can be woven with.
In the past, I used to do the plarn project on a coil basket, where the students would wrap the plarn around a coiled plastic bag. But when I attended a recent arts/crafts festival, one of the local artists was working on a loom and she told me how easy it was for elementary kids to make one on cardboard. SO I was able to find this great resource on Craft Stylish: How to Weave on a Cardboard Loom.
And since I recently got my IPad2, I wanted to check out the photo/video sharing capabilities. I was able to record a few of the students to explain the project, and to possibly use their videos as future tutorials for other classes.
Check out the student tutorials below to make your own plarn work:
Plarn bag demo 1:Little British boy demonstrates how to cut plastic bag
One of my bwms students leads a demo on how to take a plastic bag and cut it into loops prior to turning into plarn
Plarn bag demo 2: Little British boy opens bag strips to show loops
My bwms student shows how to take the strips and they open up as loops
Plarn bag demo 3: Turn your loops into a plarn chain
My bwms student shows you how to connect the cut out loops from the plastic bag and start
linking them together into a plarn chain
Plarn bag demo 4: Wrap plarn around the cardboard loom
One of my bwms art students demonstrates how to take a plarn chain and wrap it around a pre- cut cardboard loom
Plarn bag 5 demo: complete loom and do the first weave
My bwms student demonstrates how to complete the wrapping on the cardboard loom and then start the weaving process with the remaining plarn
Plarn bag demo 6: more detailed weaving
My bwms student gives more detailed instruction on what to do after weaving your first row of plarn and to continue the process through your loom
Plarn bag demo 7: remove woven plarn square from loom
My bwms student shows off a completed woven plarn piece and how to remove it off of the cardboard loom
Plarn bag demo 8: complete the woven plarn square
My bwms student shows how to take the woven work off of the loom and tie the ends so the wont become undone. Our plan next is to take all of the squares and combine them into a much larger bag or possibly a hat