After watching the Beatles' Yellow Submarine film, my 8th graders at Black Water Middle School learned about the Pop Artist Peter Max.
In the past, I have had my students draw contour sketches of bodies and fill them in, but the students seem to find it more engaging when they can do a life size sketch and fill in a total of twenty-four patterns inside the body. Unfortunately, I was low on paint this year to let them color in bodies.
There were also a few students that were able to bring in their own white t-shirt that could by tie dyed, and show off inspiration of 1960's culture. All the while listening to the greatest hits of the 1960's such as The Beatles, The Beach Boys and Motown.
You can check out the lesson plan here, whether attached as a PPT file (modified from a great lesson I found on the Incredible Art Department) or you can view the embedded Google Docs presentation as well:
FINALLY, check out some of their completed works below