Bo Gorcesky - Associated Content from Yahoo!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

8th graders Graffiti Creator work

8th grade students are studying the American artist Keith Haring and the Principles of Design. In order to get them used to the style of Graffiti and incorporate a name tag design for their name, students used the great web 2.0 site Graffiti Creator.

1st Block work

The only down side with the program is not being able to save your images. So, we had to use "print screen" and then paste/edit the photo in Paint. If you have a picture editing program at home (such as Gimp or Picnik), you can download your picture from this site and edit it more there.

5th Block work

If you do not see your picture in either of these galleries, it means you didn't post it to Edmodo.

You can also view this embedded powerpoint from Google Docs to learn more about the history of Graffiti and Keith Haring


Saturday, August 27, 2011

#Howto Teach w/ @posterous - excellent #socialnetworking tool #edtech #mlearning #edapp #blog

Want your students to Blog in a safe environment but reach as many social networking platforms as possible?


I was initially informed about the great power of Posterous through Horry County schools Edtech guru Sean Junkins, (check out his Posterous here -

The great power of this site is to post information such as images, text, links, videos, etc and have them automatically feed into a variety of other sites. My goal this year is to use it with my students to keep them informed, to also allow them to create their own Posterous sites and share their information into a variety of their own social networking platforms.


Find out how you can use this awesome educational technology for your classroom and click on the tech tutorial link.

Howto #Decrypt DVDs W/ #DVD43 & #Handbrake & #streammovies to your @Xbox & @PlayStation

Wanna stream movies? Digitize your DVDs to your game console


If you are a movie fan like me, perhaps you were recently duped by the whole "digital copy" craze put out by the film industry. Well, now I found out how to do my own Digital Copy library of my own films utilizing the two free programs DVD43 & Handbrake. You can then stream movies to your television via your gaming console such as the Xbox 360 or the PS3. Check out my tech tutorial article on Associated Content and find out how.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

BWMS Visual Arts Procedures & Consequences Quiz

If you have trouble viewing or submitting this form, you can fill it out online:

BWMS Visual Arts Procedures & Consequences Quiz

Be sure to answer all of the questions below using any of the handouts that I gave you or review games

Procedures and Consequences Quiz

If you have trouble viewing or submitting this form, you can fill it out online:

Procedures and Consequences Quiz

Listed below are the questions from the quiz, be sure to read all directions and answer them carefully by using all of the forms I have given you

Monday, August 22, 2011

2011 Spring 8th graders Silent Films

My students created films that were inspired by the Silent Film genre.After analyzing the works of Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton and Birth of a Nation, they then broke up into groups of four to each fulfill a film makers role: Director, Producer, Cinematographer and Actor/Writer.

footballbulling843.mp4 Watch on Posterous
The students and I also had a great time going through various facets of the film making process, in particular, the acting games where they performed charades, pantomine and various other acting games to get them using their bodies to tell a story, rather than their voices.
jealousy.mp4 Watch on Posterous
I feel like my students got really frustrated with the whole editing process, as some of their files were deleted, misplaced or somehow just disappeared due to one reason or another. After doing this project two times already, I will instead make sure that the students simultaneously upload to Dropbox and Jaycut.
Who_run_this_.mp4 Watch on Posterous
But overall, I was really happy with the work they put out this time around. We got more videos than I did last time, in fact, I was able to get every student to upload their film to You Tube.
stop%20bullying%202.mp4 Watch on Posterous

Feel free to click on one of these files if you would like to download it. Or you can scroll through the You Tube versions on the Embedr playlist above.

when_hide_and_seek_gets_serious.mp4 Watch on Posterous

I was also pleased to see that the students were able to utilize the green screen / chroma key feature in Jaycut. The students who made the "Last Mountain Dew" video utilized it to take advantage of a rainy day and shoot inside, and the group who made "Hide and Go seek..." where able to send students in environments that they didn't think possible.

last_mountain_dew_ever.mp4 Watch on Posterous
running_away_from_school.mp4 Watch on Posterous
school_fun.mp4 Watch on Posterous
The%20Hounting.mp4 Watch on Posterous
The%20most%20messed%20up%20movie%20ever.mp4 Watch on Posterous


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

@Edmodo video tutorials for the #edtech teacher

Feel free to utlize any of the videos below when you are first setting up your class, managing student accounts or contacting your students. You can download the actual videos below, or you can watch them in a streaming fashion through the Embedr playlist.


edmodo tutorial-create and manage student accounts 

 Use this video in order to first create your student accounts on Edmodo, or in case you need to manage them if a student loses their login information


edmodo_tutorial_-_create_and_manage_student_accounts.mp4 Watch on Posterous


edmodo tutorial-how to add an rss feed to your class 

Use this tutorial if you would like to add an RSS feed to your class such as from a blog, educational site or video channel so that you don't have to do too much work to inform your students 


edmodo_tutorial_-_how_to_add_an_rss_feed_to_your_class.mp4 Watch on Posterous


edmodo tutorial - how to adjust your profile settings and receive notifications 

Use this edmodo tutorial if you want to adjust your profile image (avatar) along with how do you want you and your students to receive notifications: through email or on their cell phone (NOTE ONLY USE THAT OPTION IF YOUR STUDENTS HAVE UNLIMITED TEXTING) You can also adjust/create a public profile to communicate with other teachers


edmodo_tutorial_-_how_to_adjust_your_profile_settings_and_receive_notifications.mp4 Watch on Posterous


edmodo tutorial - how to create and grade assignments 

Use this edmodo tutorial to help you create your first assignment or learn how to load one from your library if you made a previous assignment. I also guide you through the process of how your student completes the assignment and how easy it is for you to grade it and store their grades


edmodo_tutorial_-_how_to_create_and_grade_assignments.mp4 Watch on Posterous


edmodo tutorial - how to navigate through your site 

Use this edmodo tutorial if you are getting lost with all of the features and images on your home page. I show you which links to click on to help you sort through all of the posts and how you can update your public profile 


edmodo_tutorial_-_how_to_navigate_through_your_site.mp4 Watch on Posterous


edmodo tutorial - how to send files and links 

Use this edmodo tutorial so that you can send files such as images, Office documents or audio files to your students. I also show how to send a link to a web site, and the differences between sending video url/embed codes from You Tube and School Tube


edmodo_tutorial_-_how_to_send_files_and_links.mp4 Watch on Posterous


edmodo tutorial - how to send notes, alerts and polls 

Use this edmodo tutorial to utilize some of the easiest ways to connect and get feedback from your student. The three most common used features are note (send a message to a student/class); alert (an immediate notification) or a poll to conduct quick and easy assessment


edmodo_tutorial_-_how_to_send_notes,_alerts_and_polls.mp4 Watch on Posterous

For more Teacher Resources, you can check out the official page on Edmodo for Teachers


If you really liked Edmodo, be sure to check out the lens that I created on technology writing  on Squidoo and other web 2.0 and open source software programs that you can use in your classroom to connect with your students through distance learning.