Bo Gorcesky - Associated Content from Yahoo!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

8th grade Linear Perspective student gallery work Falll '11 #artsed #perspective #artlesson #horry

8th grade BWMS students learned the basics of linear perspective from observation and guided instruction when they had to draw from the hallway outside my classroom. I try to tell them that perspective is one of the most valuable tools any artist will ever need.  Click on some of the pics to see why:

1st block (Day 1)

We actually spent a day or two on perspective prior to this, but I think it helped for them to understand the connection between doing a Dilation in Math class and the repetitive process of creating a checkerboard.


5th block (Day 1)

After getting the initial structure of the hallway down, students did the repetitive process of creating a checkerboard for all four sides of the hallway, but slightly vary it for the brickwork.

5th block (Day 2)

On the final day of the project, the students got to hang out back in the room to clean up their drawings. Basically, they should have erased excess lines, outlined the drawing, and if time - colored it to show value

1st block (Last day)

5th block (Last day)



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