Bo Gorcesky - Associated Content from Yahoo!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

8th grade Native American paper mache masks #studentgallery #artsed #horry

Day 1: Students receive a millk jug and cover it with tin foil as the armature of the project. Afterwards, students layer the jug with three to five layers of a paper mache


1st block

5th block


Day 2: Students use hand building and additive sculpture techniques to create such things as eyes, ears, noses or other features by balling up paper or cardboard and combining it to the mask. The goal is to not make it look like a milk jug, yet to keep the surface smooth

1st block

5th block

Day 3 - The last day to use paper mache goop. Finalize features and make sure the mask is smooth

1st block:

5th block

Day 4 - Begin to paint the mask, starting with the big areas first

1st block

5th block:

Day 5 - Complete the painting the mask by carefully and neatly adding details. Students also glued accessories like feathers, string and buttons down

1st block

5th block

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